Women's Ministry
Our People's Church Ladies' ministry is a vibrant ministry which women of all ages love to be a part of. We run a rolling programme of regular events.
On the 2nd Saturday of most months, 9.30am we enjoy a delicious breakfast together with time for teaching, group chat and prayer.
The monthly Girls' Night Out social events are run by our church partners The Hideaway, and supported by many ladies from our church. These events are socially based with activities and ideal for ladies who have faith or no church experience whatsoever. Each month someone shares a short testimony to help inspire conversation. Find out more.
We run a range of social events throughout the year both for the ladies' of the church and as opportunities to invite non-church friends along.
There's an annual retreat which provides a quiet space for our ladies to take a little time out as well as receive ministry, teaching and worship.
For more information about our Ladies' events programme, speak to Bryony or email the church.